where $p$ is $(K+1)$-dim class probability vector with 0 being the background class, $u$ is the groundtruth class, $v$ is the ground-truth regression tuple, and $t^u$ is the predicted regression tuple for class $u$. $L_{cls}$ is a multi-class softmax loss and $L_{loc}$ is a smooth L1 loss.
Faster RCNN
where $L_{cls}$ is a two-class (e.g., obj or not obg) (resp., multi-class) softmax loss for RPN (resp., gen) and $L_{reg}$ is a smooth L1 loss. So the loss of faster RCNN is basically the same as fast RCNN.
fast and faster RCNN generate proposals, so they have the pos/neg labels for anchor boxes. However, the following SSD and YOLO do not generate proposals, so they need to match anchor boxes with ground-truth boxes.
By using $x_{ij}^p$ as a binary indicator for matching the i-th default box to the j-th ground-truth box of category p. Multiple detection boxes can be matched to the same ground-truth box.
where $L_{conf}$ is a (K+1)-class softmax loss, and
Note that for the noobj anchorboxes, there is only one loss term involved.